My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

His Grace Is Sufficient

As I laid in bed this morning listening to these little voices build and imagine and play in the hallway together, just to be near where I am ❤️ I was overcome with total gratitude for this amazing gift of motherhood and stewardship of these tiny hearts, hands and feet They absorb every breath I breathe, every thought I think and every word I speak.

They long to be near us always, in the quiet moments and in the crazy ones.

They watch us, watch ourselves in the mirror and learn how to think and talk about their own bodies.

They watch us show kindness to strangers and learn to be kind, always and to everyone.

They watch us love our husbands, their daddy and hero, and watch him love us, and learn what a healthy and strong marriage should look like and what they can expect from a man.

They watch us praise the Lord and sing to Him, read of Him and act as He would approve, and they learn to love Him.

They listen as We lift others up, speak acceptance and love into their lives, and they learn to pour their hearts into others, to be empathetic.

They watch and listen as we contain, or try our hardest to contain 😉, our temper, our anxiety, our depression, and learn to be strong and steadfast and a fighter-despite their weaknesses.

They watch us fall to our knees and depend on Him for our strength, and learn to be arrows, to turn to Him in times of need.

They watch us press on, work hard and talk about passion and purpose and dreams and things that seem impossible without faith, and they learn to have faith, to dream BIG, and that they can accomplish anything they want with God and mommy in their corner ❤️

We are more than just a mom, We are warriors, an example, a steward. And they are more than our beautiful children, they are daughters and sisters and someday mothers in Christ, Sons, Brothers and someday Fathers in Christ, they are arrows in the Lords army, they are the future.
So I will keep sharing my weaknesses and my fight, so they can see where I draw my strength ❤ And I urge you to share yours too, continue to lead by example and we need to remember as mommas, that even when we think they aren’t watching and maybe think we aren’t leading, they are, we are, always.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.- 2 Corinthians 12:9

Happy Mothers Day week to all my other arrow raisers, arrow sharpeners and arrow buffers 😉 whether you’re a mom of your own arrows or a significant role model for the arrows in your life, you are raising the future ❤️ Thank you for all you do and for all the beautiful “mothers” in my girls life, I could not raise these warriors without you!  

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